Friday, November 16, 2012

How to Wear Leg Warmers

leg warmers

Sorry for the quality, but these are all perfect examples of how to wear leg warmers. Starting from left there are thigh high ones with low boots, the next one is a low boot with slouched leg warmers. The third one over is heels with long pants that are typically to cold for winter or fall, but because of the slouched leg warmers you will feel as warm as your heart would desire. The last one is a picture of sneaker type shoes with slouched leg warmers, this is my personal favorite. What is your favorite? 

These leg warmers to the right are so cute I had to share. If it was me I would probably put them with a pair of mid leg pair of black or gray boots. Another option that I wear a lot is with a simple pair of ballet flats and skinny jeans, it is my go to outfit for last minute dates with my boy. 

I think the one on the left is super cute, but ladies be careful you can start looking a little on the, excuse me for saying this, hooker side. If you wear thirty inch heels then good for you, but do not wear mini skirts and thigh high leggings. Can anyone say sexy school girl Halloween costume. That is my only tip to you, but go out there and wear some leg warmers with confidence. If you have any topics or anything you would like me to write about comment or leave a message!! 

XOXO Riley 

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